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Mold Inspections

ACAC - Certified Indoor Environmentalist

Mold Inspections - Starting at $199

ACAC - Certified Indoor Environmentalist


At Elite Home Inspections, we understand the importance of a healthy living environment. Mold can silently invade your home or business, posing serious health risks and property damage. That's why we're here to offer expert mold inspection services that can safeguard your well-being and investment.

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality
Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Experienced Professionals

Highly trained and experienced in identifying mold issues in all types of properties, from residential homes to commercial spaces.

Detailed Reports

After a meticulous inspection, we can provide you with a detailed report that outlines our findings, including the extent of the mold problem, potential health risks, and recommended solutions.

Comprehensive Inspections

State of the Art Equipment

We leave no stone unturned during our inspections. Our thorough assessments cover all areas of your property, including attics, crawl spaces, basements, and hidden corners where mold might thrive.

We utilize cutting-edge technology and equipment to detect even the most hidden mold infestations. Our advanced tools allow us to pinpoint the source of the problem accurately.

The Importance of Mold Inspection


Mold is a silent intruder that can go undetected for long periods, but its presence can have serious consequeces. Here's why mold inspection is essentia​l:


  1. Health Concerns: Mold spores can trigger allergies, respiratory problems, and other health issues. Early detection through mold inspection can help protect the well-being of you and your loved ones.

  2. Property Damage: Mold can wreak havoc on your property, causing structural damage and decreasing its value. Timely mold inspection can prevent costly repairs in the future.

  3. Allergen Reduction: Mold is a common allergen. Identifying and eliminating mold in your home can lead to improved indoor air quality and a reduction in allergy symptoms.

  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing your property is mold-free gives you peace of mind and the confidence that you're providing a safe and healthy environment for your family, employees, or customers.


Don't wait until mold becomes a severe problem. Contact Elite Home Inspections today to schedule a professional mold inspection. Our dedicated team is here to ensure that your property remains a safe and healthy place to live or work. Let us be your trusted partner in mold prevention and remediation.

Protect your health and your investment – schedule a mold inspection with

Elite Home Inspections today! (339) 227-0388

Moisture Meter - Leak Detection

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Thermal Imaging - Hidden Leak Detection

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Cracked Grout - Causing Leak Below

Sample Air Quality & Mold Report

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Breeze Environmental Tester - Air Quality Sampling

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality
Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Mold Infestation in Office Building Causing Health Problems for Occupants

Thermal Imaging - Hidden Leak

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality

Wall Cavity Mold Sample

Mold Inspection Mold Detection Mold Assessment Mold Testing Mold Prevention Indoor Air Quality
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